
Monday, October 4, 2010

Why fluff? #fluffybutt

Today I got set up with my Everything Birth web site. I am so excited to start selling diapers! Next on my agenda: get my EB profile up, figure out how to post to the EB blog, and set up a Facebook fan-page. Oh yeah...and plan some parties.

So why cloth diapers? This post could be long, so I'll break it up and start by discussing why I have chosen fluff as my mama cause.

As I mentioned in a previous post, there are a lot of natural parenting issues I am passionate about: circumcision, baby wearing, midwifery, cesarian rates, breastfeeding, cosleeping, home birth, and cloth diapers. There are a lot of important issues in this list that I could go on and on about. But they are all such personal decisions. And many if them are one time choices. But diapers? Your stuck with them for years...and people aren't generally very personally attached to their choices. In fact, I find many people will tell you "I thought about cloth, but ____" (here is where a career in sales comes in handy).

Of all the topics I care about, I chose cloth diapers to be my action item because:

1- your decision to use sposies can be reversed (can't say that about circumcision)
2 - it's just poo...nobody is offended
3 - it's fun and cute and something everyone has to deal with
4 - it is an easy way to make an impact on the planet and

So what are YOU waiting for? Do you have any little butts in your house that might like some fluff?

- Blogging from my iPhone

Location:the clean corner of my messy house

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